What is Aromatherapy?
Branch of the herbal medicine, Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. It relies on rigorous methodology based on scientific facts and confirmed by clinical tests.
The word “aromatherapy” was invented in 1928 by René-Maurice Gattefossé, a French chemistry-engineer . At this time, there was already a debate between those who believe in classical pharmacopoeia and those who promote products based on natural ingredients. This debate remained till 1964, when Dr. Jean Valnet published his book entitled “Aromathérapie? Traitement des maladies par les essences de plantes”.
Herbal medicine is the most used medicine in the world. It is well known that some plants have antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, hormonal, anti-rheumatic, circulatory, diabetes, immune-stimulatory, hyper or hypotensive, antispasmodic, stomachic or hepatic capacities. All ancient civilizations developed herbal medicine alongside agriculture, and most doctors were prominent herbalists.
Aromatherapy is part of this herbal heritage, which must be preserved and protected. Essential oils have a very broad spectrum of action on various therapies. Nowadays, just on the pathological level, no one can deny the anti-infectious efficacy of essential oils. They represent the only alternative to antibiotics to heal infections without developing germ resistance, impaired immune system or flora disorders.
In contrast to drugs obtained by chemical synthesis or extraction of active ingredients, aromatherapy is the natural medicine par excellence. Yet, its main feature is that it is a medicine that aims at restoring the balance of the organism as a whole.